Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Marching on.....

Went to the lawyers and shaaazaaam, I was caught off guard with some news. Lawyer now informs me that the tenant in the store space I own wants to lower the 'takeover' fee. Basically she is willing to negotiate. Go figure! How weird that this comes at a time when I'm actually here to rent another space. How weird that this comes at a time when I'm supposed to confirm rental of the space by Saturday. I was initially pissed off when the lawyer told me this because I felt like she's been busting my balls all this time and is doing it again. I didn't want to get my hopes up like last time and I am definitely making sure I don't.

I then told the lawyer to draft up a letter stating my offer, a deadline for response and a date by when the space should be vacated, which is November 15th. That's right after melbourne so that should be a pretty eventful month.

I will post an update as soon as I get an answer.

Hopefully the ball-busting stops here!


Indo Dreamin' said...

you guys are going to melbourne???

LovaGirl said...

I'm intrigued. I'm waiting to see the final display