So I was looking through the internet and came across the Magnolia Bakery cupcake recipe. Magnolia Bakery is an insitution in New York and should not be overlooked when on a visit. Again I didn't care for desert back then so I didn't really go there at all. Maybe a few times to show people. They have a long line around the block most weekend nights and they also have a cupcake purchase limit. I tried their cupcakes and they were off the hook. But again, one of those things is enough. More than one and i'd probably hit the floor, both hands on my stomache while desperately gasping for air.
So I got the recipe here and I approached my old lady for some help in the domestic engineering department. She laughed pretty hard after she gave me the look. I'm pretty sure she was praying hard inside that I was neither a woman nor high nor a bit of both. All that came to a halt when I assured her that I was using this as a way to soften up to the ladies. I've never seen her more proud of me...
We had a bit of a problem initially trying to find all the ingredients at the supermarket. We don't get shit here. It's fuckin annoying. So we basically sorted it all out, settled for makeshift ingredients and baked away. Although it did piss me off when my mum would try to do things her own way and not follow the damn recipe I looked long and hard for. Trust Indian mums to do that. Trust you me, don't question their engineering skills!
I was already drooling up at this point. I didn't take my eyes off of the oven for a while.
Hungry? Shazaaam....
Bit of icing on them bad boys and we were done.
Note: Enjoy with over-eager sugar craving types. They'll be hypnotized by the sweetness of the frosting even if the cake is all crispy and burnt up top. They're bound to be impressed. Anyone willing and able to try the recipe should let me know how they did. Any of you attractive ladies that want to come over and discuss any cupcake issues can feel free to do so. You know where to reach me.
Gimme a piece of that! Good job.. They look scrumptious!
P.S- the cheesecake factory in Jkt is a hoax.
yes it is a hoax....and those damn cupcakes were mad sweet.
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