I just received some photos from Suraj documenting some new things we're doing in Indonesia. Suraj has been there for the last week working on a number of things: our new batch of shoes coming out, each pair of shoes is handmade with a combination of a wood and crepe soles and uses 100% genuine cow leather. We're also working on some new items for
sifr essentials that focuses on a different aesthetic, I won't attach words to images, please be patient for some product shots. On top of the new items we're doing for essentials we are also preparing to launch some women's styles. Thank you to all the people that have suggested to engage the female audience to us in store, via email, on the street, at a party; we are almost there.

Washing machines.

Washing machines in operation.

About to inspect the fabric after a test wash.

Drying machines.

Checking on our shoe sample.

Looking at some other models our manufacturer produces.