Now that life has settled into the temporary repose brought about by warm weather and the lure of vacation, I recommend you pick up a copy of the Financial Times weekend edition, FT Weekend, and spend an afternoon by the pool. This pink paper has four sections: World News and Business, Life and Arts, House and Home, and How To Spend It, a shopping guide for the fantastically rich and cultured. I wish I could say I read it cover to cover, but I tend to focus on the Life and Arts section. It can easily be read in an afternoon, even when taking the odd nap between columns.
If the title didn't already give it away, this section covers the latest developments in the art world, from reviews of new theater performances and publications, to analyses of recent auctions. One of my favorite pieces is the full page interview with a prominent cultural figure entitled “Lunch with FT.” At the end of every interview is a list of what was ordered, and the cost of the meal. What better way to get to know the art world's celebrities? And fans of Monocle Magazine will be happy to know they can find a weekly Tyler Brule column on the back page entitled “Life in the Fast Lane,” in which he surveys the past week of his extensive travels.
Altogether, the content is entertaining enough to make reading it a treat rather than a chore, and more than informative enough to keep your mind from turning into the porridge you ate for breakfast as the start to your new healthy life style. If nothing else, you will have something interesting to discuss during your late night summer dinners.
- MRC, New York City