Thursday, November 30, 2006

Post-Hard-Day-At-The-Office Drink Up

Christmas came early this year bitches...

Tough day at the office calls for a tough time at the bar.....Harry's new location just opened up right below our office. It was their grand opening. The weekend's gonna come around much quicker every week.

To be honest, I just saw a Guiness sign from way far. That only means one thing.....It's fresh on Tap!! The initial debate was to step in for 1 pint of Black Velvet (half Guiness, half Cider), but I'd be willing to put a wager on the fact that almost all heterosexual, misguided boys will almost always stay for another,.... and another,..... and another and then finally scraggle off drunk, broke and desperately looking for food. So I don't feel so bad.

Working class man's happy juice

Working class man's type of Women


Have a good weekend. Be safe! I will be considering Rishi's not here.

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